as much as 例文
・ | In a modern industrialized society, a family no longer plays comprehensive roles nearly as much as it used to. |
現代産業社会においては、家庭は以前ほど総合的な役割を果たしていません。 | |
・ | Please take as much as you need. |
必要なだけ取ってください。 | |
・ | This new house cost me as much as $300,000. |
この新しい家は30万ドルもした。 | |
・ | I paid as much as 200 dollars for this shirt. |
このシャツに200ドルも払った。 | |
・ | The number of traffic accidents rose by as much as 30%. |
交通事故の件数が30%も増えた。 | |
・ | Here's bread. Take as much as you want. |
パンはここにあります。好きなだけ取ってください。 | |
・ | The collector paid as much as six thousand dollars for the jeans. |
その収集家はそのジーンズに6000ドルも払った。 | |
・ | I always worry that he doesn't study as much as I hoped. |
私は、彼が私が望むほど勉強しないことをいつも悩んでいます。 |